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Rethinking Porn Addiction - A Sexual Health Show

Dec 22, 2020

I promise I'll stop looking at porn...

I commit to my partner...

I commit to myself...

I commit to God...

And yet, a few days/weeks/months later, I'm typing words in the search bar.

Words I'm ashamed of.

Then I sit and look at things that go completely against my values.

Why can't I stop?

Why do I feel so...

Dec 22, 2020

Exploitation is when a person leverages their power and control to get what they want.

Do you have an outcome or a goal in mind when you tune in to our show?

Is your goal to stop (or get your partner to stop) looking at porn?

Is your goal to convince yourself or your partner that porn is acceptable, and not a...

Dec 22, 2020

(If you enjoy today's conversation, check out our other episodes at

The conversation around pornography is often (sadly) one-sided.

The husband is typically the one trying to stop watching porn, and all the focus is on him: Why does he watch it? What support does he need? When will he screw...

Dec 22, 2020

If it's not medically accurate to call pornography an addiction (as we've talked about in past conversations), what does it mean when you feel out-of-control?

How do you draw the line between problematic behavior that's outside your value system... and sexual behavior that's out of control?

Is there a point where you...

Dec 22, 2020

Sexual Health and Healthy Sexuality...

They sound the same, but they're not.

Today we're going to dive deeper into the principles and ideas of sexual health.

We'll talk about how everyone's definition of "Healthy Sexuality" is a little different.

We'll talk a bit about the myth that there is no "moral floor."

And we'll...